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One Pair is NEVER Enough™

Updated: Apr 12, 2021

There are two things we all know. One is that every eyeglass wearer needs more than one pair. The other is that most people only buy one pair.

In fact, less than 10% of independent optometry patients purchase a second pair on the same day they purchase their primary pair. We all have an interest in increasing that percentage, for the sake of our patients and our business.

GSRx has developed the One Pair is NEVER Enough™ program to make it easier for you to sell your patients the additional pairs they need.

One Pair is Never Enough multiple pair packages consist of two pairs of GSRx’s most premium lenses (either epik™ Variable progressives or epik™ FFSV single vision) with Proper Optics® frames, all for a single affordable price. All lenses include GSRx’s top-of-the-line Infinity® Clear Non-Glare coating. While optional for the patient, epik™ Blue lens treatment and polarization are also included in the package price. You can even upsell frames from your frame board to increase your profits.

Pricing of the packages is up to you, but our recommended pricing allows patients to buy two pairs of top-of-the-line eyewear for far less than they would pay for two brand-name pairs, while allowing you to make a higher profit than you would selling just one pair to the patient. Everybody wins!

The program is simple to implement, and we’ll support you with staff training and marketing materials such as patient brochures, a dispensing mat, a patient lifestyle questionnaire and option selection forms.

Whether patients need an additional pair for their active lifestyle, for the office, or just for a different look, we’ve made it easier than ever for you to provide it. That means that your patients will be more satisfied with their visual lives, and more satisfied with the service you provide them. It also means higher profits.

One Pair is NEVER Enough ™




Isn’t it time you started selling more multiple pairs? Learn more here, then contact your GSRx representative or call 800-833-4779 and we’ll help you make it happen.

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